

Disclaimer for Visitors: is a community website where visitors can browse classified ads posted by life members of the community. This service is being provided with the sole intent of providing a platform to our life members to display their offerings. MMNA explicitly confirms that it does not get any commercial consideration either in form of any fees for allowing the members to host nor as any percentage or share of the proceeds of the transactions or purchases made as a result of these Ads. While MMNA take all reasonable efforts to ensure that the content posted on our website is accurate and up-to-date, the Organization cannot guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information provided by the members of its community in the post.  

MMNA cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the content posted on MMNA also cannot be held responsible for any transactions or purchases that you make based on the information provided on our website. It is your responsibility to exercise due diligence and research before making any purchases or engaging in any transactions with other members of the community.  

By using, you agree to indemnify and hold MMNA harmless from any claims, damages, or losses arising from your use of our website or your reliance on the information provided on our website.